Tuesday, April 26, 2011

You never know til you try!

You never know just how much you can do until you just make up your mind that you give it your best and get the job done one way or another!! Which is how I reach a personal best in my workouts. So keep up the good work, and remember how far you have come in your journey occasionally. Are you fitter than you were a year, a month, a week ago. Give yourself some kudos!
I write these things for others because I have been cheered on and now I feel it is my turn to return the favor!
When you over do it, Massage can help your muscles recover, get the lactic acid out and get the oxygen and fresh blood flowing back into the tissues and get you back in the game!!
Reach for it!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

its Master Cleanse Monday!

Hey everyone,
Here is another recipe to alkalize and rev your bod!
2 cups water
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp cayenne pepper
1 tbsp raw unpaturized vinegar
1/2 lemon squeezed
1 tbsp high quality maple syrup. or raw honey

Recipe by Dr. Josh Ax. A chiro doc, so I cannot take credit. I just think its awesome at resetting my body and getting my energies flowing in a positive direction. Try it and see how your body likes it.
Don't worry, you will not be heading to the bathroom during work hours all day! :)
Have a great day!

Friday, April 8, 2011

A Little Inspritation

Here is a quote for the day! Enjoy the sunshine "If you have great fear, you also have great courage." ~Dr. Demartini DC