There are many terrific foods to get your electrolytes rebalanced, pre and post workout, like bananas, most fruits, celery, and one of my favorites, Coconut water!
When training heavy I go for a product called VEGA SPORT. Created by Brendon Brazier, a professional tri-athelete who also happens to be vegan, it is one of my favorite supplements for recovery. The product line also has a protein shake that is not produced from whey protein. He uses hemp, sweet pea protein, rice and alfalfa.
You can find this product on line by clicking vega sport, above. Or, you can buy it at the Dover Natural Market Place in Dover NH or the Herbal Path in Dover NH.
Enjoy and while listening to your body as you warm up for a workout or work, pay extra attention to those areas that are clunking or not stretching. Get limber and mobilize those joints. A good warm up and cool down will keep you in the game. Then once you are properly tuned in and warmed up you can Go Hard OR Go Home!! (With Love Of Course) All my exclamations and little pushes are intended to inspire and motivate anyone to their own personal best and get them to the next level in their own development. Even if it just to stay focused on dieting, or to do two more pull ups than they did two days a go. So go have some fun!! and have a Great Day!
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